Our experienced Noise Consultants, Engineers & Technicians can provide a full range of noise consultancy roles across all types of plant and installations.

We have expertise in such diverse fields of Noise Source Ranking Exercises on entire sites to Industrial Noise Assessments of individuals.
Our team includes diagnostic specialists, acoustic consultants as well as noise measurement / monitoring personnel enabling a full acoustic service to be provided.
Whether noise is an unwanted side effect of operations, or creating issues in the surrounding area, we have the experience and instrumentation to identify the problem, predict the effects of mitigation measures and offer cost effective solutions.

Irrespective of the location of the noise source(s); either in a production environment, a Waste Recovery Park, an offshore installation or a louvred outlet, broadband, 1/1, 1/3 and 1/12 octave bands as well as narrowband spectra can be measured, analysed and interpreted to provide a full solution package.
From a single machine to multiple sources and whether the noise levels are dangerous to individuals, annoying to communities or even a direct link to machine failure; we can help.
So, from noise source identification to compliance with the Control of Noise At Work Regulations, our team are ready to provide a professional service.